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Content Marketing

9 Ways <span>Content Marketing</span> Can Deliver Real Results

9 Ways Content Marketing Can Deliver Real Results

By now you probably know what content marketing is. If not, here’s the short version: content marketing is a marketing strategy focused on creating and distributing valuable content to potential and existing customers.

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<span>5 Ways to Use AI</span> in Your Everyday Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Use AI in Your Everyday Digital Marketing

For time-strapped marketing managers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners, AI can be a valuable tool to assist with day-to-day activities like social media and content creation. The following tips can help you harness the power of AI to streamline your marketing efforts and achieve results more efficiently.

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How to Use <span>Live Video</span> to Promote Your Business

How to Use Live Video to Promote Your Business

The popularity of live video continues to grow, with live video expected to account for 25% of all Internet traffic by 2025 and the live streaming market estimated to hit $3.21 billion by 2027. In the U.S., 42% of people have watched live-streamed content.

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<span>Spring Clean Your Digital Marketing</span> for 2024

Spring Clean Your Digital Marketing for 2024

The world has changed: has your marketing kept up? Now that spring is officially here, it's the perfect time for a fresh look at your marketing plan, tactics, and strategy. In the spirit of spring cleaning, here are 9 things you can do now to improve your marketing efforts.

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Should You <span>Write Your Own Marketing Content</span> or Hire an Expert?

Should You Write Your Own Marketing Content or Hire an Expert?

As any writer will tell you, writing content is not easy. In addition to making sure spelling and grammar are perfect, you also must strike the right tone, make it engaging for readers, and effectively get your message across. And then there are keywords, search engine optimization, formatting, and many more factors that go into successful marketing content.

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