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Technology and Tools

<span>How to Improve</span> Your Website Speed

How to Improve Your Website Speed

When it comes to websites, lack of speed kills. Your website might offer stunning design, riveting content, and excellent products and services, but all that could go to waste if your site is too slow.

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20 Cool Free Tools to <span>Optimize Your Website</span>

20 Cool Free Tools to Optimize Your Website

Is there anything you would improve about your website? If your answer is “I’m not sure,” use these 20 free tools to measure your website's performance in various categories and identify opportunities for improvement.

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Why <span>Measuring Your Marketing</span> Is More Important Than Ever

Why Measuring Your Marketing Is More Important Than Ever

There was a time when marketing was more art than science. With no real way to tell whether a snazzy brochure, a cute jingle or a striking logo actually generated business, marketers used to rely on their gut about what was working, with very little data to back those feelings up.

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Our Top 10<span> Digital Marketing Blog Posts</span> of 2021

Our Top 10 Digital Marketing Blog Posts of 2021

At Web Solutions, we consider it an important part of our job to share what we know about digital marketing, web design, and marketing strategy with our clients and the digital marketing community. Tactics, technology, and best-practices in the marketing industry evolve at a pretty rapid pace, so we're constantly learning and passing our knowledge on to you!

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